U.S. media decries China’s censorship of a massive vaccine scandal, even while the U.S. media censors all the vaccine scandals covered up by the CDC

A vaccine scandal has broken out in China: Regulators say that multiple problems, including falsified records, were found at a large pharma company which produces a rabies vaccine. In the aftermath, Chinese censors were tasked with deleting articles and removing any and all postings about the scandal, erasing virtually any trace of public outcry about the issue. Fear over the safety of food and medicine in China has been on the rise, after a series of health scares struck communities across the nation. Chinese censors and regulators are struggling to maintain control of the narrative — and American news outlets have been quick to decry the information blackout taking place overseas.

But while the liberal media wags their fingers at the overt censorship taking place in China, they themselves are actively suppressing truth here in the U.S. Censorship in America may be more discrete, but if you think it’s not happening, you’re sorely mistaken. In that vein, you might even say censorship in the U.S. is far more insidious: Government agencies have dropped the ball, especially when it comes to vaccines and vaccine research — but daring to blow the whistle on their misdeeds will earn you nothing but scorn.

In truth, the overall response to those who defy the narrative in the U.S. is the same as it is in China: Facebook will delete your post and maybe ban you from the site, as will Twitter and other left-wing social media sites. Google will bury your article beneath pages of propaganda and YouTube will erase your video or put a disclaimer next to it.

Ultimately, the media circus here in the U.S. is no better. Whistleblowers and truth-tellers who defy the chosen narrative are largely ignored by the mainstream media, and if you’re controversial enough, you can count on being publicly eviscerated on social media too.

Vaccine scandal censorship strikes China

China’s Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) announced that all production of the rabies vaccine would come to a grinding halt after investigations found multiple glaring issues at the nation’s second largest rabies vaccine company, Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology. A report describing the alleged corruption and unsavory practices of the vaccine industry spread across Chinese media site WeChat and Netizens even reposted the original essay.

Last year, Chansheng Biotech was in hot water, after the company sold at least 252,600 doses of substandard DPT vaccine to the eastern province of Shandong. The company is now guilty of fabricating inspection records and production records, among other ills. Quality control issues abound in China, which are driving up fears and trust issues among citizens.

Chinese censors have been working hard to delete posts about the vaccine scandal, no doubt. It turns out that the company’s chairwoman has now been detained. As the latest company scandal unfolds, it will undoubtedly grow harder for the Chinese government to maintain control of the narrative. The government has already been struggling to keep things under wraps — and the American media has been quick to decry the government’s acts of censorship. But are we really doing any better?

Censorship in the USA

The mass silencing of divergent thought is a growing problem here at home — and tech behemoths like Facebook are leading the charge. Beyond the censoring of conservative view points, matters of human health are also being suppressed. Health freedom is one of the biggest things under attack right now with vaccine mandates and other bureaucratic garbage policies being employed around the nation. Speaking out about the unjust and tyrannical nature of these policies is all that you need to do to get blacklisted by social networks and the mainstream media — never mind what will happen if you actually talk about the hidden dangers of vaccines, the number of children harmed by shots every year or provide real evidence which shows vaccines can and do have adverse effects.

Really, any inkling of defiance on the vaccine front will get you shamed by legacy media and their talking heads, labeled as an “anti-science” whack-a-doo and maybe ruin your reputation. The cost of truth is far too high these days — and fewer and fewer people are willing to pay that price.

The ever-expanding war against “fake news” has all but given tyrants like Facebook carte blanche to censor whatever information they like under the guise of “protecting” the public from fraudulent information. But what actually ends up happening is that these dictators simply suppress information they don’t like or disagree with. As an example, Facebook has recently been accused of putting the kibosh on pro-life content, while allowing pro-abortion content to proliferate without issue.

The social media giant has also gone out of their way to target content on health and wellness with their “fake news” witch hunt.

Pinterest, another popular social media site, was recently called upon by vaccine propagandists to take action against anti-vaccine content on the network, after a study found that most vaccine-related content on the site was negative.

Recall when the entire Health Ranger channel was unceremoniously deleted by YouTube earlier this year? The message is clear: Censorship is already here — and it’s not just social media dictators leading the charge. Even the CDC has actively suppressed information that contradicted the pro-vaccine narrative. Whistleblower William Thompson, a former CDC scientist, came forward and admitted that the agency held a meeting to dispose of evidence that the MMR vaccine was linked to autism. It doesn’t get much worse than that. Censorship is happening across the board here in the U.S., there’s no arguing that. So, it is the height of hypocrisy to point the proverbial finger at China for doing the exact same thing.

Learn more about what’s really going on at Vaccines.news.

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